

Electronic Content Management software and consulting services


FileNet P8 Best Practices

These Best Practices are based on 15 years’ of experience across varied industries, state and federal government FileNet installations.  

Best Practices:  FileNet P8 Security Fundamentals

To implement best practices, a sound understanding of FileNet P8 Security is needed since everything touched has a security component to it. I am talking about security that is needed for today, but also satisfies requirements as the system grows or becomes more complex. We won't be able to solve every security problem with one design, however we can implement a security model sufficient for most situations and, if not, be able to modify to meet our needs without requiring extensive reverse engineering.  

Best Practices: FileNet P8 System Tuning

“Quick hitter” performance tuning options that supplement the published material from IBM such as Performance Tuning Handbook for FileNet P8.  After reading two Websphere Administration and Tuning handbooks to expand my WAS knowledge, especially around garbage collection, I was disappointed to reach the section on GC tuning that stated “GC tuning is a black art…” and offered only procedures on how to change jvm arguments, measure performance using PMI, etc.  These are performance tuning options learned during my 15 years experience in varied industries.

Best Practices: Tips for FileNet P8 Configurations

Before growing your system, especially if you’ve recently upgraded to FileNet P8, make sure that you’ve implemented these best practices.  Once in place, you are ready to execute, grow and manage additional applications and users.

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